
My specialty is relaxation at its finest! Despite popular belief, Swedish massage is not defined by pressure but by process. It can be delivered with the level of pressure that meets your comfort level, and the process is to work through the body with long smooth strokes, from origin to insertion point without necessarily engaging the muscles or utilizing trigger points. Even those who are die-hard deep tissue fanatics appreciate a good relaxing Swedish massage from time to time. It's the perfect way to relieve stress and feel rejuvenated.

Deep Tissue Therapy
Deep Tissue massage is designed to target each layer of tissue separately for ultimate tension relief using myofascial release techniques to target the fascia (connective tissue). I work in to the top layer of muscle tissue to release adhesions, strip scar tissue, and activate origination and insertion site using trigger point therapy. Then I can begin to work in to the belly of the muscles to elongate muscle strands. You'll leave feeling taller, looser, and generally more spaghetti like.

Advanced Neuromuscular Therapy
Advanced Neuromuscular therapy combines many Deep Tissue techniques with the movement of myotherapy and ischemic pressure to help relieve symptoms of nerve compression, chronic pain, misalignment, and structural issues. While Deep Tissue pressure can be adjusted to suit your comfort level, neuromuscular therapy uses ischemic compression which is the long, steady application of heavy pressure to deprive the muscle of movement and force it in to a state of release. It's an extremely effective therapy, but requires commitment from both practitioner and client. Drink plenty of water before and after your session. You can expect to experience some soreness in the days following your session that gives way to a feeling of space and length throughout the body.

Trigger Point
Trigger point therapy is a technique that can be incorporated with any massage! It's the process of applying pressure to an active point in the origin, insertion, or belly of the muscle to trigger contraction and release. Often you will feel your muscle begin to "shake" during a massage and this is usually due to engaging an active trigger point that prompts a gentle spasm in the muscle. The muscle begins to contract and release, exercising through its own tension.

Sports Therapy
I use everything in my toolbox! Your sports therapy needs may be for recovery, maintenance, location-specific injuries, or chronic soreness. I combine all of my techniques to make sure that I'm attending to the right spots, with the right approach. This therapy will often include movement and client interaction.